WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name IN ('_transient_wc_installing','_transient_timeout_wc_installing')
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'wc_product_download_dir_sync_page' LIMIT 1
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WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'wccs_settings' LIMIT 1
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WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT 1 FROM wpne_posts p JOIN wpne_postmeta pm ON pm.post_id = p.ID
WHERE p.post_type = 'shop_subscription' AND p.post_status != 'trash' AND pm.meta_key = '_payment_method' AND pm.meta_value = 'ppec_paypal' LIMIT 1
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WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_ppec_paypal_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 15 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 11 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_prepend_shop_page_to_urls' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 11 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT t.term_id
FROM wpne_terms AS t INNER JOIN wpne_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu')
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_terms_page_id' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 13 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 13 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 13 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 13 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name IN ('_transient_wc_shipping_method_count_legacy','_transient_timeout_wc_shipping_method_count_legacy')
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_flat_rate_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_free_shipping_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_international_delivery_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_local_delivery_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_local_pickup_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT t.term_id
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WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('product_shipping_class')
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT * FROM wpne_posts WHERE ID = 13 LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wpne_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods WHERE method_id IN ('flat_rate','free_shipping','local_pickup')
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WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_ppcp-credit-card-gateway_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_cheque_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_bacs_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'blog_public' LIMIT 1
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WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wpne_scw_contact_form_leads
id mediumint(12) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
name varchar(100),
email varchar(128),
phone varchar(100),
message LONGTEXT,
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ip_address char(200),
is_from_mobile tinyint(10),
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM wpne_scw_contact_form_leads
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'woocommerce_facebookcommerce_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name = 'wc_facebook_external_merchant_settings_id' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'nhjdrfmy_WPM1N' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)] SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wpne_options WHERE option_name IN ('_transient_wc_facebook_aam_settings','_transient_timeout_wc_facebook_aam_settings')
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
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Product Details: Pishwas: Embroidered Velvet Churidaar: Ox Silk Dupatta: Embroidered Chiffon Description: Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Ermina is a true masterpiece. Cut from luxurious velvet in a vibrant mustard hue, the pishwas features a resplendent assortment of tilla, gota sequins and mirror work, accentuating its silhouette further. This set is paired
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Product Details: Shirt: Embellished Velvet Culottes: Velvet Shawl: Embroidered & Embellished Banarasi Shawl Description: Fusing immaculate artistry and craft, Erna is truly spectacular. Cut from opulent velvet in a striking aubergine hue, the shirt and culottes dazzle with meticulously crafted tilla, dabka and pearl detailing. This set is paired with a magnificently ornamented
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Berry red panelled textured lawn, front opened overlapped silhouette with a U-shaped neckline. Embroidered and laser-cut details. Bell sleeves with embroidery and details. Culotte trousers with stitching details. Chiffon embroidered dupatta with scalloped borders. Aqua blue accents in the lace border.
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Lilac panelled, jacquard shirt with floral embroidery at the borders and patch/laserwork in details. crown shape close to neck neckline with organza detail. Fitted sleeves with embroidered lace detail. Straight pants, pure cotton fabric with lace detail all over. Cutwork finesse. Chiffon dupatta, four sided organza complementary pastel and ivory
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Ivory white printed lawn a-line shirt, V-neckline with keyholes and ragline additions cutwork detail and Printed base with layered scalloped sleeves with peachy pink organza border. Straight pants with cutwork details. Chiffon printed dupatta. Bordered by peachy pink organza. Sizeable scallops.
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
An alluring three piece on pure raw silk in an ethereal shade of fuschia pink, heavily embellished with ada work of dabka, sequins, naqshi and crystals, in a long kameez silhoutte making this beautiful design a must have this festive season. Paired with a contrasting pure organza dupatta featuring Chatapatti
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
• Embroidered & sequined chiffon center panel for front • Embroidered & sequined chiffon panel for front left • Embroidered & sequined chiffon panel for front right • Embroidered & sequined chiffon sleeves • Embroidered & sequined chiffon back • Adda-worked, embroidered & sequined
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Sequins Embroidered Net for Front & Back: 3.3 yards Heavy Hand Embellished Front Bunches: 2 Pcs Seqiuns Embroidered Net Front lace: 3.3 meters Sequins Embroidered Net Sleeves: 0.65 yards Embroidered Net Sleeve lace: 0.8 yards Sequins Embroidered Net Daman lace 1: 3.3 meters Seqiuns Embroidered Net Daman lace 2: 3.3
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Product Description: Evaline in fuchsia exudes an undeniable radiance that’s impossible to overlook. The vivid hue of this luxury lawn ensemble is enhanced by intricate, hand-embroidered details, where delicate floral motifs elegantly blend with geometric accents, elevating the overall design. The fine craftsmanship in every stitch reveals an enduring quality,
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
• Embroidered & sequined chiffon center panel for front • Embroidered & sequined chiffon panel for front left • Embroidered & sequined chiffon panel for front right • Embroidered & sequined chiffon sleeves • Embroidered & sequined chiffon back • Adda-worked, embroidered & sequined
Deprecated: Function YITH_WCWL::is_product_in_wishlist is deprecated since version 4.0.0! Use YITH_WCWL_Wishlists::is_product_in_wishlist instead. in /home4/nhjdrfmy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114