Shirt Pearl Dori Embroidered Doria Lawn Center Panel With Stickon Pearls Pearl Dori Embroidered Doria Lawn Side Panel Right With Stickon Pearls Pearl Dori Embroidered Doria Lawn Side Panel Left With Stickon Pearls Embroidered Organza Ghera Patch Embroidered Organza Ghera Patti Embroidered Doria Lawn Sleeves With Stickon Pearls Embroidered Organza
Shirt Pearl Dori Embroidered Doria Lawn Center Panel With Stickon Pearls Pearl Dori Embroidered Doria Lawn Side Panel Right With Stickon Pearls Pearl Dori Embroidered Doria Lawn Side Panel Left With Stickon Pearls Embroidered Organza Ghera Patch Embroidered Organza Ghera Patti Embroidered Doria Lawn Sleeves With Stickon Pearls Embroidered Organza
Shirt Embroidered Organza Neck Patch With 3D Flowers & Pearls Embroidered Paper Cotton Dori Work Center Panel Embroidered Organza Ghera Patch Embroidered Organza Ghera Patti Embroidered Paper Cotton Sleeves & Front Side Panels Embroidered Organza Sleeves Patti Dyed Lawn Front Lining Dyed Paper Cotton Back Fabric: Paper Cotton Color: Off
Shirt Embroidered Organza Neck Patch With 3D Flowers & Pearls Embroidered Paper Cotton Dori Work Center Panel Embroidered Organza Ghera Patch Embroidered Organza Ghera Patti Embroidered Paper Cotton Sleeves & Front Side Panels Embroidered Organza Sleeves Patti Dyed Lawn Front Lining Dyed Paper Cotton Back Fabric: Paper Cotton Color: Off
Shirt Embroidered Organza Center Panel With Lawn Applique Embroidered Organza Side Panel Right With Lawn Applique Embroidered Organza Side Panel Left With Lawn Applique Embroidered Organza Neck Patti With Hand Embellishment Embroidered Organza Neck Patch I With Hand Embellishment Embroidered Organza Neck Patch II With Hand Embellishment Embroidered Sleeve Lace